Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Sweet Little Blessing

(Disclaimer: Sorry the post is kinda long but we have had so many people asking for details that it was a lot easier to just write them on the blog where everyone can be updated!)

One week ago today, Mitch, myself and my mom were sitting at Forrest General Hospital waiting on little Levi's debut. We had gone to the hospital the night before and I had SLOWLY progressed through out the night (emphasis on the SLOWLY) and continued to slowly and steadily progress through the day. Thankfully, I had a really sweet nurse who would graciously make it seem like delivery wasn't forever far away (even when it  probably was).

First family photo
Finally, at 8:50pm on September 10, exactly 24 hours after we had arrived at the hospital, Levi Harvey Jaeger was born! Levi was 6 pounds 14 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long with a full head of dark, dark hair (not sure where that came from!). 24 hours of labor? What labor? I had totally forgotten it all from the moment I got to hold  him.

It was around midnight when they had finally transferred Mitch, Levi and myself to our new room at the hospital and we were all exhausted! However, the moment the nurse leaves you alone in your room with your newborn baby exhaustion is quickly replaced with panic. I would love to tell you that Mitch and I were completely prepared and excited to spend our first night with our son but that would be a lie. We were TERRIFIED. What if something happened? Feed him every 2-3 hours? (I don't know how to feed him!) I use this bulb for what? In case he chokes?? Needless to say, we were really tired and really nervous. So when the nurse asked if we wanted to send him to the nursery for the night, I (guiltily) said yes (what kind of mother am I?) Although I felt extremely guilty and like a terrible mother already, God knew way before us that sending him to the nursery probably saved Levi's life that night! Sometime that night, Levi's blood sugar plummeted and he had gone unresponsive while in the nursery. Thankfully, the nursery is staffed with nurses 24/7 so they were able to notice his condition and quickly address it. Thank the Lord that He knew beforehand what we didn't! After that night, Levi's blood sugar has been fine but he was known as the "low blood sugar baby" for the remainder of our hospital stay (making big impressions already)!

The next couple of days were special, incredible, scary, nerve-wracking, and every other emotion from one end of the spectrum to the other! I still felt incredibly incapable of caring for Levi or even knowing how to care for him (I now realize I will probably always feel this way at least a little bit!) but I was so in love with him that I wanted to be holding him every second. The second day in the hospital (Wednesday), this escalated greatly when Levi had spit up some amniotic fluid and ended up choking and not breathing for a few seconds (it seemed like hours). Thankfully, my mom was holding him at the time and she had him breathing again in no time. I, on the other hand, had no idea what to do and sat stunned in the bed and then hysterically cried for a good 5 minutes (not to mention my blood pressure reading that hour was so high the nurse had to come back and re-check it later). If I wasn't scared I was caring for Levi before, I was then. I have probably never felt so vulnerable in my life. Finally, the last night we were at the hospital (Thursday night), I sent Mitch and my mom home for the night so that I could spend the night getting over my fear of caring for Levi by myself. Good news- we both survived!

My amazing, selfless mother (Mimi)
First full day at the hospital together!
Since leaving the hospital we have LOVED slowly learning how to parent and care for Levi. In addition, we have been learning that it never is going to go as you think or plan! In my head, I had this idea that we would come home from the hospital and just spend all day cuddling on the couch and we would all live happily ever after. However, since he was born, Levi's bilirubin numbers have been high and steadily climbing (meaning he has jaundice and his liver is not catching up with his system yet). Because of this, we've been having to go to the hospital daily to get his blood work done and his levels monitored. In addition, we have been having to syringe feed him formula (its as comical as it sounds). Since his numbers were still climbing fairly high as of yesterday morning, Levi has now been placed on an outpatient light therapy machine called a "biliblanket" that he has to wear 24  hours a day. The "biliblanket" is a long strip that fastens onto his bare torso that is then connected to a large power box that is plugged into the wall. The machine might be a pain but we are so incredibly thankful that we are not having to check him back into the hospital to be treated. Hopefully, Levi's jaundice will be treated and he will be off the biliblanket by the end of this week! God is good.

Heading home!
First day on the biliblanket
These few curveballs have been a little difficult to deal with (especially for an over-nervous mama), but have given us such a great perspective on parenting and a great reminder of what a precious gift Levi is! This past week has truly been the best week of my life and I never thought that I could become so enamored in such a short amount of time with something so small. We are so thankful to the Lord for entrusting us with this precious gift and we are so thankful for all of you who have prayed, called, texted, & shared in this joyous time with us!

(I plan on doing monthly "Levi updates" so be sure to check back if you want to keep up with him!)